Vollara Pioneers x Advanced Technology Guides
Leia's transformation from a corporate manager to a network marketing maven was sparked by her father’s legacy in Vollara. Watching Wayne & Lorraine Zimmerman build an independent, multi-generational family business using innovative technologies encouraged her to embrace the leap into independent business ownership.
She and Mark have been on this adventure for over 30 years.
Hailing from a traditional business background, Leia Ryan understood the idea of merit-based compensation in the corporate world and its limitations. Energy input increases production output and greater reward. But, in the corporate world, that output tends to compensate shareholders and business owners. Her father’s example showed her there was an alternative plan.
Self-education is the Key to Unlocking Success
For 31 years, Leia has been working a system that ensures her efforts support her family’s wants, needs, and the causes they believe in. Every VIP trip (a vacation Vollara practically pays their leaders to take), from Little Dix Bay to Cabo San Lucas, uplifts and renews their spirits with new memories and experiences many only dream of. The company’s Car Bonus Program frees up more resources to support great organizations, rather than making a monthly car payment.
“I am proud to be a second-generation business owner,” shares Leia. “We have seen the world through VIP trips while driving luxury cars for decades with the car bonuses! We’ve earned lasting value with the Go For Gold precious metals incentive. I encourage everyone to study the requirements and take advantage of these substantial programs.”
Supporting their family through “freedom with Vollara” income also allows them to support the dreams of others. “Mark and I are committed to supporting organizations working to eradicate cancer,” shares Leia. “A big reason we absolutely love Vollara has to do with our ability to make such a huge contribution in so many peoples’ lives!”
While the financial rewards they experience propel them forward, helping others and encouraging people to become a better version of themselves is their passion. Leia's focus remains on nurturing new team members to conquer their dreams. "Personal growth is the cornerstone of our achievement," Leia emphasizes.
Engage, Tailor, Empower
Utilizing thorough, thoughtful interviews, Leia is very purposeful in how she recruits business builders and qualifies customers. Aligning strategies with their aspirations, she's a mentor who understands her team's needs. For newcomers, she encourages immersion in success-oriented resources while helping each new affiliate tailor individual strategies.
“With customers, engagement is paramount,” says Leia. She personally guides them through Vollara's diverse product range to determine what combination best serves their needs. In her world, it's all about relationships through service and transparency.
"You don't build a business, you build people, and people build the business" – Zig Ziglar
“Examples like Gloria Gilstad, Scott Gordon, and Jane Gillen, I’ve learned teamwork is the bedrock of triumph,” Leia says.
Setting the example for their 4 married children and 10 grandchildren, Leia and Mark serve their family, community, and team with dedication and results. Through diligent study, they have positioned themselves as go-to authorities on indoor environments. With consistent personal development, the two are a resource for others to lean on and learn from.
We’re thankful for the 30+ year commitment to excellence
Leia and Mark have aligned with their Vollara mission,
and look forward to watching the next generation of this family
shine in the Vollara spotlight.