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Vollara Spotlight Honors and Congratulates Izzy and Danielle Luna

Updated: Feb 25, 2023

Passion fuels the force of nature exemplified in

Izzy and Danielle Luna from West Palm Beach.

This dynamic couple is taking the

Vollara business opportunity by storm. 

"True passion attracts. If you have passion in your business, the right people will be attracted to your team.”

- Robert T. Kiyosaki

Izzy and Danielle's passion for healthy living compelled them to open a successful health and wellness business. This mission to help others live their best then lead them to elevate their surroundings with ActivePure, Living Water and LaundryPure.

Izzy and Danielle at their Go for Gold award dinner in West Palm Beach with Founder Mike Jackson

"Sometimes you meet people and instantly know they are the right ‘brand partners’ with a drive you would love to work with,” says Mike Jackson. “I had really strong feelings about Izzy and Danielle and challenged them to

‘Go for Gold’ as soon as possible."

And go for it they did,

reaching Gold Executive,

and then moving quickly on

to Platinum.  

As members of The River Church, this devoted couple felt called to bless others, sharing the business opportunity with customers, fellow church members, relatives… anyone motivated to create a healthy vision for their own future.

It wasn’t long before they connected with Vaughn Hendrix and Daniela Yanez from The River Church. "Vollara and ActivePure have allowed us to work with friends like Vaughn and Daniela,” Izzy and Danielle share.

“Plus, we are not confined to someone else's cubicle in a J.O.B.  We can flex our entrepreneurial muscles, and have no ceiling to our income.” 

Like the Lunas, Vaughn and Daniela are highly motivated to live a more natural and healthful lifestyle. Independent spirits, they became full-time RVers shortly after joining Izzy and Danielle. Step one was to upgrade their beautiful 5th wheel to eco-friendly with Living Water, ActivePure and LaundryPure. They take these technologies on the road, showing how you can build your own dreams helping others level up their environments.

Tax deductible office on wheels.

Recently, Vaughn and Daniela had the opportunity to star in the new

“Healthy Home Showcase” video shot in Studio G with Dr. Eric Gonyon. Practicing what they preach, they have utilized the Healthy Home Showcase to grow their business. 

Says Vaughn, “Innovative programs like ‘First Month Free’ Subscribe and Save on nutrition and wellness, and the $99 Plan that allow everyone to enjoy ActivePure and our suite of technologies – Vollara makes both the business, and spaces accessible to everybody.”


The success of these two teams, and the lives they impact,

is evidence of the passion propelling their dynamic and growing businesses. Enhancing in-home and office environments;

modernizing living spaces with tomorrow’s technology today,

allows them to set their own schedule and find reward

equal to their efforts in this vibrant new parallel economy.

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